Francesca Cornejo
Age 6326 Sep 2020
Córdoba (Argentina)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/26-Sep-2020/Francesca Cornejo

Francesca was found dead in her own home with hands and legs bound. Evidence suggests that she died during a robbery.
The scene was one of grief, anger and absolute consternation. The body was lying on the floor of the room, next to the bed. The hands and legs were tied with rags and clothing. The house, a building that has fallen into disrepair for many years and with essential services suspended, was completely untidy.
This is how Francesca Cornejo, a 63-year-old trans woman, was found murdered on Saturday, who lived alone in her house in the Parque Liceo 1ª Sección neighborhood, on the northern outskirts of the city of Córdoba. Some neighbors knew her by her previous name.
Although the forensic reports are not yet complete, which allow determining how she finally died, judicial and police sources confirmed to La Voz that he is facing a homicide.
Due to the characteristics of the event, the main hypothesis is that the crime was a homicide during a home robbery.