Erick Deseano
Age 364 Oct 2020
Ciudad Isla, Veracruz (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/4-Oct-2020/Erick Deseano

Erick's body was found with signs of physical and sexual violence near where he worked. It was the second murder of a trans person in the province that weekend.
Veracruz.- Another hate crime was registered in the south of Veracruz, this time it is the murder of Erick Deseano, a trans man who was found with traces of violence in a resting place behind the load scale at the entrances of Ciudad island.
Erick, who was nicknamed "La Niño" in the region, who was dedicated to cutting pineapples in the fields of the region, was 36 years old at the time of his death on Sunday, October 4.
According to the testimonies, Erick left his home, located near the place where he was found, to work in the fields, and after his workday he no longer returned home.
He was found bound hand and foot with cables, beaten to the face and torso, and sexually abused, and his body had stab wounds to the neck and other parts of the body.
After being found, authorities went to the scene and elements of the Civil Force, Municipal and State Police cordoned off the area to prevent onlookers from approaching the crime scene.
Minutes later, Erick's parents came, who identified the body.
The previous day Gretell Ceballos Ramírez had also been murdered in Veracruz.
In August 2022 José Luis N, who was also known as "El Pichu", was sentenced to 70 years in prison for Erik's murder.