TDoR 2021 / 2020 / October / 17 / Mickerlange François

Mickerlange François

17 Oct 2020
Pétion-Ville, Port-au-Prince (Haiti)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-Oct-2020/Mickerlange François

Mickerlange François
Mickerlange François [photo:]

Mickerlange was shot inside a nightclub on the night of Saturday 17th October. He was a police officer, and his assailant allegedly knew that he was a trans man.

Mickerlange François, a transgender policeman was shot dead in Pétion-Ville, in a nightclub on the evening of Saturday, October 17. Two days later police apprehended Obenson Saindor, 28, aboard a motorcycle while trying to get to Dame-Marie, Grand’Anse on the coast.

Due to the public and media apathy, and the prevalence of transphobia in society and Haitian law enforcement, we are just now learning about the murder of Officer François.

After the policeman’s death, investigators focused on the community and barraged LGBT+ Haitians with excessive questions about the victim, according to Midou Blonski (pseudonym), a leader of the Haitian advocacy group FACSDIS (Femme en Action contre la Stigmatisation et la Discrimination Sexuelle/Women Taking Action Against Sexual Stigmatization and Discrimination).

According to the advocacy journalist Moïse Manoel, the motive may have been jealousy:

The alleged murderer, 28-year-old Obenson Saindor, shot policeman Mickerlange François in a Pétionville nightclub on Oct. 17.

Passion and jealousy were motives, as the victim had engaged in a romantic relationship with the alleged murderer’s partner. The alleged murderer had already threatened Mickerlange’s life while telling him to stay away from his household. Unfortunately, the victim did not take these threats seriously.

The alleged murderer was apprehended with the victim’s police service weapon, a 9mm caliber revolver. Obenson was also in possession of a second revolver, which investigators said could have been used to commit the crime.

The alleged murderer knew the policeman was a trans man. The fact that Mickerlange died because of his gender identity disgusts me.

In addition, for me, this affair illustrates the way women are treated in Haiti. They are not respected and are seen as objects. Consequently, one can kill a rival, even a trans man, as one pleases. Women are seen as property, for one’s exclusive benefit.

This homicide illustrates anew the negation of feminine desire and aspirations. Because she loved someone else, he must be killed—without reflecting on what isn’t working between the original couple. That’s the problem.

We remain in a patriarchal society where women’s desires are ignored. This mentality leads only to submission or death.

Report added: 11 Dec 2020. Last updated: 12 Nov 2021

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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