TDoR 2021 / 2020 / November / 08 / Name Unknown

Name Unknown

8 Nov 2020
Chilpancingo, Guerrero (Mexico)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/8-Nov-2020/N.N.

Name Unknown

The body of an unidentified trans woman was found in a hotel in central Chilpancingo at around 4am on Tuesday 8th November. She had been strangled - probably by a client.

A trans woman was found dead this Sunday morning in a hotel in central Chilpancingo. According to early reports the murder was as a result of choking by strangulation.

The killing was reported at around 04:00 hours inside the Chula Vista hotel located on calle Cinco de Mayo, between calles Canuto Neri and Belisario Domínguez in front of the Telmex offices. Elements of the State Police came as first responders and cordoned off the perimeter, pending action by State Attorney General's Office staff.

Police sources at the scene indicated that the victim arrived accompanied by a male person who was probably responsible for the murder.''1325527995222732805''

Report added: 2 Dec 2020. Last updated: 12 Nov 2021

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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