Age 2913 Dec 2020
Caucaia, Ceará (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/13-Dec-2020/Duda

Duda was stabbed in the street.
Amid the struggle of [trans women] to build other narratives besides violence, Ceará counts yet another death less than four days after the murder of Kareen Victoria, the 18-year-old girl from Ceará, in a hotel in the city of São Paulo. At dawn on Sunday (13), a 29-year-old [trans woman] known to residents as Duda was stabbed to death, on the corner of Entrada 9 and rua Jurupari in Jurema, Caucaia, Fortaleza Metropolitan Region (RMF).
According to the Civil Police of the State of Ceará (PCCE) the victim already had a history of theft and fraud and adds that the Department of Homicide and Protection of the Person (DHPP) are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death.
Both the Military Police of Ceará and the Forensic Forensic of the State of Ceará (Pefoce) were at the site. Investigations are underway to identify those involved and determine the motive for the crime.