Yaelin Maydana Olmedo
Age 3116 Dec 2020
Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-Dec-2020/Yaelin Maydana Olmedo

Yaelin was found dead in her home on Wednesday 16th December. An autopsy revealed that she had been strangled.
Two people - one of them a relative - have been detained.
The autopsy indicated that Yaelín Maydana Olmedo died as a result of a traumatic cardiac arrest, due to the "interruption of the encephalic circulation due to extrinsic compression of the neck (strangulation)". Justice points to the gaze of two people who were at the home, one of them a relative of the victim.
The autopsy performed on Yaelín Maydana Olmedo (31), the trans woman who was found lifeless yesterday in a house in Chaco at 2,500, determined that her death was caused by the compression of her neck.
The conclusion of the scientific study to which this medium was able to access reveals that Olmedo died as a result of a traumatic cardiac arrest, due to the "interruption of the encephalic circulation by extrinsic compression of the neck (strangulation)". The report adds that the body "presents hematoma of the carotid artery and muscles on the left side. In the skull there are bruises, with intact bones without fractures, without lesions in the encephalic mass."
In addition, the autopsy reveals that Maydana Olmedo had "three bruises in the middle part of the forehead, in the temple on the left side and in the temporal occipital part of the same side, without neurological lesions."
The Fifth Police Station detained two people of legal age who were at the home. One of them that is a relative of the victim.
Spokesmen for the investigation told Telefe Noticias that the trans woman had some history of family and partner violence.