TDoR 2021 / 2020 / December / 20 / Myliah Monae Mullen

Myliah Monae Mullen

20 Dec 2020
Baltimore, Maryland (USA)

Myliah Monae Mullen
Myliah Monae Mullen [photo:]

Myliah died by suicide. Her friends and family came together in a vigil for her on Christmas Day.

BALTIMORE — Close to two dozen people gathered at The Ynot Lot in Station North Friday to honor the life of Myliah Monae Mullin, a trans woman who lost her life Sunday.

"I want people to get closer to your family," said Myliah's mother, Renita. "Tomorrow’s not promised. Reach out to your family. Reach out to everyone because you never know what may happen to them."

Family members believe Myliah took her own life, possibly due to depression. It's an issue made more difficult, compounded by the pandemic. Myliah's sisters shared their thoughts on resources within the community.

"We all matter and we aren’t being heard enough," said London Justice. "It’s really getting to me that all of our trans sisters are down here dying in the streets."

"It’s sickening to me, it hurts," said Tamar Jones. Jones works with Baltimore Safe Haven, a non-profit that seeks to provide opportunities for a higher quality of life for LGBTQ members in Baltimore City who are living in survival mode.

"It hurts that a sister of mine is gone," said Jones. "It hurts that the pandemic has so much going on with us. Because of the pandemic we can’t console each other like we want to. We have to keep our 6 feet, wear a mask. We can’t go spend time with our love ones [because] of COVID and that’s a problem."

Myliah's mother told WMAR 2 News that her daughter was a source of light for people and displayed an openness for everyone. It's unclear what inner battles she was facing.

"She was love, she was loved," she said. "I just don't understand it. Now she's gone."

Myliah's Facebook profiles are and

Report added: 26 Dec 2020. Last updated: 19 May 2021

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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