J. A. da Silva
Age 2625 Dec 2020
Cascavel, Ceará (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/25-Dec-2020/J. A. da Silva

J. was shot dead in the Sítio Bica neighborhood on the night of Friday 25th December - Christmas Day.
A [trans woman] identified as [deadname] da Silva, 26, was killed by gunfire last night (25), in the Sítio Bica neighborhood, in the rural area of Cascavel, Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza. No one has been arrested so far.
According to the Public Security Secretariat, the victim had no criminal record. The Military Police were called to investigate the murder. A team from the Forensic Forensics of the State of Ceará (Pefoce) were also at the scene, and the Civil Police will investigate the case.
On 4th November Sandy da Silva Gomes had been killed in nearby Tijucussu.