TDoR 2021 / 2020 / December / 27 / Kimberely Patricia Cope ("Kim")

Kimberely Patricia Cope ("Kim")

Age 40

27 Dec 2020
Athens, Georgia (USA)
Not reported

Kimberely Patricia Cope ("Kim")
Kimberely Patricia Cope ("Kim") [photo:]

Kimberely's body was found in the parking lot of a restaurant not far from her home. Her death is considered suspicious.

Her name was Kimberely Patricia Cope. She was 40 years old, born in Michigan and raised in Ohio. She relocated to Athens, Georgia in her adult years with her family. Two days after Christmas, her body was found in the parking lot of restaurant [Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers on Baxter Street] a few blocks from her home.

Little is known about Kimberely. Law enforcement, media, and family members misgendered her in some spaces, but used accurate gender language in others such as her obituary. Thanks to diligent community members some media sources updated their coverage to at least remove the most inaccurate content including her dead name.

We don’t know how she died or why. We do not know the results of the autopsy. We do not know why her family published an accurate obituary, but still misgendered her in their personal content. We don’t know much about Kimberely at all because her social media was tightly locked down. Is the use of correct gendered language in her obituary an accurate description of her lived life? We know she was assigned a different traditionally male name at birth, a named shared with her father, and she went to court to legally change her name to Kimberely Patricia (note the unique spelling of Kimberely) and used Kim in everday matters.

We can say that most 40-year-old Black women don’t just die in parking lots at 6 AM. Does that mean she met with foul play – well, there’s not enough information for that conclusion either in spite of the mysterious truck. If her death was accidental or due to an overdose, those results from the coroner might take longer to come back

Report added: 17 Jan 2021. Last updated: 31 Jan 2021

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