H. J. Ramírez ("La Tigra")
Age 4628 Dec 2020
Guayaquil, Guayas (Ecuador)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/28-Dec-2020/La Tigra

La Tigra was killed in her home. Security cameras captured footage of a man running away.
El Centro Psico Trans de Quito and Asociación Silueta X, members of Plataforma Nacional Revolución Trans and the Federación ecuatoriana de Organizaciones LGBT, make the following public knowledge:
This December 28, 2020, HJ Ramírez, better known as La Tigra, was found dead at the gate of her house, located in Lomas de la Florida II, Guayaquil. La Tigra as they affectionately called her, 46 years old, was dedicated to the craft of sewing in the sector and was known for her kindness, cordiality and good heart by the locals.
Early this Monday, HJ Ramírez received a visit from an individual at her home at approximately 01:00 am. According to footage from the security cameras of a local neighbor, the subject was there close to an hour before running desperately out of La Tigra's home. In the morning, a client who was going to pick up her sewing found her lying down and lifeless near the door. Her body was stiff and bruised, and according to criminology data from the autopsy performed, HJ Ramírez died of asphyxiation - presumably by the individual who visited her and then rushed out of her home. The National Police continues in investigations.
We call on the authorities, especially the State Attorney General's Office and the National Police, to investigate the present case, regardless of whether or not the complaint is filed by the next of kin. Although it is true, it is known that, in the face of violent deaths, not clarified or suspected of criminality, the complaint is ex officio by the Prosecutor's Office, members of the Police, they mentioned that without a complaint there would be no investigations. This was reported to us by neighbors in the sector. Likewise, we invite the new Ministry of Government to provide us with answers about this and other murders, violent deaths, not clarified or suspected of criminality. Likewise, we request the Ombudsman's Office to monitor the due process initiated by the Prosecutor's Office.