TDoR 2021 / 2021 / January / 06 / Duda Laif

Duda Laif

Age 52

6 Jan 2021
Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/6-Jan-2021/Duda Laif/Eduarda Scarton

Duda Laif
Duda Laif [photo:]

Duda's body was found with head trauma on Wednesday 6th January. CCTV footage had earlier captured a man approaching her and walking with her to the area where her body was found.

The Civil Police are investigating the circumstances of the death of a trans woman, found dead on a plot of land in the central area of ​​Bagé [on rua 20 de Setembro, near Paredão] on Wednesday (6). The victim was identified as Duda Laif, 52.

The Civil Police are analyzing images from security cameras showing a man, as yet unidentified, walking beside the victim to the crime scene. According to delegate Luís Eduardo Benites of the 9th Regional Civil Police Precinct who is responsible for the investigation: "At the moment we are working with the hypothesis of homicide or robbery, but we also do not rule out other possibilities. Everything points out that the cause of death was head trauma, but we will only be sure after the results of the tests done by the Instituto Geral de Perícia (IGP)."

A suspect was arrested on 6th April 2021.

The Bagé Civil Police, in the Rio Grande do Sul Campaign Region, arrested a 38-year-old man suspected of murdering a trans woman and beheading a recycler this year in the city. The victims are Duda Laif, 52 , and Bernadete Moraes, 61, respectively.

According to the Civil Police, the suspect was located in the Balança neighborhood on Tuesday (6). Investigators do not elaborate on how they got to the suspect, but signal that images from security cameras captured during the two crimes were decisive for this.

In testimony to the Civil Police, the man confessed to the crimes. He was taken to the Bagé Regional Prison and will be charged with a homicide.

Duda's Facebook profile is

Source: Observatório Trans

Report added: 10 Jan 2021. Last updated: 12 Nov 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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