Mimii Lessa ("Yasmin")
15 Jan 2021
Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/15-Jan-2021/Mimii Lessa

Yasmin and her friend Leticia were both shot while riding a motorcyle. Yasmin died at the scene and Leticia died in hospital.
A [trans woman] died and another was injured [but subsequently died] after an execution on Friday afternoon (15), in Mesquita Metropolitan Region of Rio.
According to police they were identified as Yasmin and Leticia Lessa. The crime took place in the late afternoon on a dead-end street in the neighborhood.
According to the PM, Yasmim was shot in the head while she was riding a motorcycle and her friend was on the rump. She was hit in the chest.
Leticia was taken to the nearest hospital in serious condition, while Yasmin was removed to the IML of São Gonçalo.
It is not yet known what motivated the murder. The investigation will be under the charge of the Homicide Police of Baixada Fluminense.
They ended two lives in a matter of seconds. They reaped dreams, a lifetime of history, but not only ended up with two human beings, they ended up with families, mother, daughter, aunt, uncle, aunt and friends. Now I ask you with eyes full of tears and with a very strong pain in my chest, why?
Leticia had a dream of being a mother she managed but unfortunately due to the cruelty of the cruel human being she was unable to complete this dream of seeing her baby grow. And Yasmin? She had many dreams, a person left by her family, but surrounded by people she cultivated with her agitated way but with an immense heart.
Poisé, e agora? Acabaram com duas vidas em questão de segundos. Ceifaram sonhos, história uma vida inteira,mas não só acabaram com dois seres humanos,acabaram com famílias, mãe, filha ,tia ,tio ,tia e amigos . Agora eu te pergunto com os olhos cheios de lágrimas e com uma pic.twitter.com/THmtade0lp
— LUTO: LETÍCIA LESSA, YASMIN 🖤🏴 (@MarceleBranca) January 16, 2021
They ended two lives in a matter of seconds. They reaped dreams, a lifetime of history, but not only ended up with two human beings, they ended up with families, mother, daughter, aunt, uncle, aunt and friends. Now I ask you with eyes full of tears and with a very strong pain in my chest, why?
Leticia had a dream of being a mother she managed but unfortunately due to the cruelty of the cruel human being she was unable to complete this dream of seeing her baby grow. And Yasmin? She had many dreams, a person left by her family, but surrounded by people she cultivated with her agitated way but with an immense heart.
Yasmin's Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100039226592480.
Source: Observatório Trans