TDoR 2021 / 2021 / January / 17 / Luciana Sandreli Alves

Luciana Sandreli Alves

17 Jan 2021
Colatina, Espirito Santo (Brazil)

Luciana Sandreli Alves
Luciana Sandreli Alves [photo:]

Sandreli died by suicide. She was a teacher but reportedly suffered from depression.

Sandreli Alves, trans woman, teacher, suicide, depression.

Colatina, Espirito Santo (Brazil)

Sandreli's Facebook profile is

I heard now about the suicide of professor Luciana (Sandreli Alves) from Colatina ES.

Sandreli was a Trans woman and teacher who was very well respected by her students, from whom she gained respect and admiration.

It is difficult to deal with the depression that leads [so many] of our Trans Brazilian population to commit suicide....

May the Spirits of Light receive you, and we will be in prayer for you Sandreli because occupying spaces of respect and love is not easy for us.

We are not to be judged since we are predisposed to come to suffer from depression.

Source: Observatorio Trans

Report added: 23 Jan 2021. Last updated: 31 Jan 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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