Giselle Sakai
Age 325 Feb 2021
João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil)
Pulmonary embolism

Giselle was found dead at home after complaining of feeling ill. A month earlier she had undergone a cosmetic procedure which may have caused the condition that killed her.
Forensics have determined that the cause of death of Giselle Sakai, who was found dead yesterday afternoon in her apartment in Manaíra, was a pulmonary embolism. The transsexual woman felt ill and asked for help from a friend who only arrived at the apartment about an hour and a half after her call. She found her dead.
Approximately a month ago Giselle had undergone liposuction, but according to her friend Karina Espínola Guedes, the procedure had [appeared to] cause no complications.
A hypothesis that could explain the embolism would be the use of industrial silicone for cosmetic purposes, a common practice in the routine of [trans women].
The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) prohibits the use of industrial silicone in cosmetic procedures. The product should not be used on the human body and is intended for cleaning cars and airplane parts, waterproofing tiles, sealing glass, among other uses. However, the deviation from its correct use, serving as material for plastic surgery, for example, is considered a crime and can cause serious health risks.
Whether at the time of application or over the years, the product can cause deformations, pain, difficulty walking, generalized infection, pulmonary embolism and even death.
Giselle's Facebook and Instagram profiles are and