Lorena Muniz
Age 2521 Feb 2021
São Paulo (Brazil)
Clinical neglect
TDoR list ref: tgeu/21-Feb-2021/Lorena Muniz

Lorena died from smoke inhalation after being left sedated on an operating table during a fire.
A 25-year-old trans woman was abandoned inside a room at an aesthetic clinic in downtown São Paulo during a fire at the site last Wednesday (17), according to her husband, communicator Washington Barbosa.
Lorena Muniz was sedated to undergo a silicone implant surgery when the fire started. According to Washington Barbosa, Lorena inhaled smoke and was unconscious for seven minutes before being removed from the scene.
Lorena Muniz was taken to the Hospital das Clínicas and, according to the press office of the hospital, is hospitalized in serious condition in the emergency room of the unit.
In a post on social media, Washington said that the air conditioning unit at the beauty clinic caught fire and all the employees left, leaving Lorena unconscious in a room.
According to the Fire Department, three vehicles were activated on Wednesday (17) to contain a fire in a commercial building on Rua da Glória, in downtown São Paulo. In a statement, the corporation states that " the fire spread and the victim, who was inside the site performing an aesthetic procedure, was rescued to the hospital ."
According to the police report, a team from an electric power agency was carrying out maintenance on the street when an explosion occurred inside the clinic, starting the fire.
Shortly after Lorena's death the São Paulo City Council initiated a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry to investigate cases of violence against trans people.
A plenary session of the São Paulo City Council approved on Tuesday (23) the creation of a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry ( CPI ) to investigate cases of violence against transgender people in the city of São Paulo.
The approval took place in a symbolic way, after an agreement that had already been made in the College of Leaders, among the various parties of the house. The application was filed by city councilwoman Erika Hilton (PSOL).
The creation of CPI was driven by the death of [trans woman] Lorena Muniz, 25, who died after a fire in a clinic in the Center of SP where she was undergoing a silicone implant surgery. The clinic was not endorsed by firefighters to operate and Lorena was sedated at the time of the fire, which happened last Wednesday (17). She was rescued by firefighters and taken to Hospital das Clínicas, where she died.
After Lorena's death police opened an investigation into the "doctor" and clinic involved - which is also the subject of several lawsuits by other patients.
The team responsible for the surgery of Lorena Muniz, a trans woman who died in February of inhaling smoke during a fire at the clinic where underwent [cosmetic surgery] in São Paulo, is the target of a police investigation and several lawsuits filed by other patients.
Despite presenting himself as Dr. Paulino de Souza on social networks, the man who negotiates the surgeries with the patients - and with whom Lorena agreed to undergo her procedure, according to her husband - is not registered as a doctor. In groups of trans women, Paulino is known for offering cheap plastic surgery and attracting patients from different places in Brazil.
In early May 2021 police opened a homicide investigation into Lorena's death. As a result, 6 people were indicted for involuntary homicide.
The Public Ministry (MP) disagreed with the Civil Police of São Paulo and charged with unintentional homicide (without the intention of killing) the six people who were being investigated for the death of transsexual hairdresser Lorena Batista Muniz. The victim was 25 years old when she died of asphyxia five days after a fire in an aesthetic clinic, on February 17, in downtown São Paulo.
The Prosecutor's complaint was sent to the Court, which, until the last update of this report, had not made a decision on the matter. If the accusation is accepted, a doctor, a nursing technician, two businessmen and two administrators will become defendants in the process that investigates the causes and responsibilities for the victim's death. They will respond to the crime of unintentionalhomicide. If convicted, the penalty is 1 to 3 years in prison.
The 1st Police District (DP) in Sé, which investigated the Lorena Muniz case, had, however, indicted four people for intentional homicide for eventual intent (when the risk of killing is assumed) and two others for failure to help. In such cases, the punishment for intentional homicide varies between 6 and 20 years of imprisonment.
Another difference between wrongful death and willful homicide is that the first is tried by a judge and the second, by seven jurors.
Upon receiving the final report of the investigation, the Public Ministry decided that the accused had no intention of killing the patient, who was sedated when the fire reached the Clínica Saúde Aqui, in Liberdade.
Lorena's Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/lorenna.shinayder.