10 Apr 2021 Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo (Brazil) Stabbed
TDoR list ref: tgeu/10-Apr-2021/Milena Massafera Milena Massafera [photo: www.facebook.com]
Milena's body was found with multiple stab wounds in her apartment on the night of Saturday 8th April.
A day earlier Márcia Marcita had been found murdered in the same city. A link between the two killings has not been ruled out.
The Military Police (PM) found the body of the [trans woman] Milena Massafera, on Saturday night (10), with several marks of stab wounds in a kitchenette located on Rua Coronel Luiz da Cunha, in Vila Tibério, in the west of Ribeirão Preto. This is the second case of [a trans woman] killed during programs this week alone, and the police are working on the possibility that there is a link between the deaths.
The president of the Arco Íris NGO in Ribeirão Preto, Fábio de Jesus, is calling for a broad investigation by the Civil Police in the deaths of the two [trans women], as he believes that there is a connection between the two cases. “The two [trans women] were killed with great violence. Marks all over the body, including the feet, which indicates a hate action designed to murder [trans women]. As LGBT, I also fear for my life. This cannot continue,” he said.
According to the PM, family members of the victim, whose civil name is [deadname] da Silva Vieira, called the police after finding her body in the apartment where she lived.
According to the family, Milena's friends had called to say they were unable to speak to the [trans woman]. The family went to the place and with the help of a private locksmith they managed to gain access to the property and locate the victim who was on the floor covered in blood. The Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) was called and the death was confirmed at the scene.
This is the second case of death of [a trans woman] in less than 24 hours. The first was identified on the morning of last Friday (9th), at the Avelino Alves Palma Industrial Park, in the northern area of Ribeirão Preto. The victim was Márcia Marcita, 48, whose body was found in her apartment with signs of violence by a friend. The cause of death was not identified and the case is still being investigated by the Civil Police.