Yara Cumady/Yara Pereira dos Santos
Age 2417 Apr 2021
Frutal, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Run over
TDoR list ref: tgeu/17-Apr-2021/Yara Pereira dos Santos

Yara died in hospital after being run over on the BR-364 highway. Police are investigating whether she was run over deliberately.
The Frutal Homicide Police are investigating an incident where a 24-year-old [trans woman] was run over with the suspicion that it was deliberate. The event happened late Saturday night (4/17), on BR-364, next to a gas station, next to the city entrance.
According to eyewitness reports, Yara Pereira dos Santos, who was [working], was on the edge of the highway when a white Parati vehicle approached.
After a conversation between her and the driver, the vehicle left the scene. Shortly thereafter, he returned and intentionally ran over her.
According to information from the Frutal Fire Department, the victim suffered several fracturesin his legs and arms, and was consciously rescued at Hospital Frei Gabriel. Shortly thereafter she died from her injuries.
The delegate responsible for the case, Murilo Antonini, in an interview with Rádio 97 FM, said that a police investigation into intentional homicide had already been initiated and that, during the Civil Police (PC), together with the Military Police (PM), he was located Seized the suspect's vehicle, which was hidden in the back of a house.
On 21st September a suspect - for whom a warrant had been issued - surrendered to police.
A 32-year-old man, investigated for running over and killing the 24-year-old [trans woman] Yara Pereira dos Santos, on the BR-364 in Frutal, spontaneously turned himself in to the Civil Police last Tuesday night (21).
He was accompanied by a lawyer to formalize the arrest warrant against him. The crime took place on April 17 this year and, according to the Civil Police, evidence indicates that the victim was run over intentionally – in other words when there is an intention to kill or the person takes the risk of doing so.
In November 2022 Yara's killer was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to just 3 years in prison in a semi-open regime.
Yara's Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/yara.cumady.