Monalisa Leide
Age 4120 Apr 2021
Macapá, Amapá (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/20-Apr-2021/Monalisa Leide

Monalisa's body was found inside her home next to a bloodied knife.
The body of a [trans woman] identified as Monalisa Leide, 41, was found early Tuesday afternoon (20) inside the house where she lived in a walkway area in the Perpétuo Socorro neighborhood, in the East Zone of Macapá. The victim was found next to a bloody knife.
There is still no information about the perpetrator of the crime. She was found after her boss suspected the disappearance for 2 days and, when going to the house, found her dead in bed.
Camera footage of surrounding homes shows a man walking out of the victim's home carrying a gas canister.