Jaqueline Saviery Silva
Age 3030 Apr 2021
Alfenas, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/30-Apr-2021/Jaqueline Saviery Silva

Jaqueline was shot during a fight in a bar. The owner of the establishment is being sought by police.
One person was murdered during the dawn of this Saturday in Alfenas. The crime took place in the Jardim Primavera neighborhood in Alfenas, where a [trans woman] was killed by a firearm.
The victim, aged 30, had the social name Jaqueline Saviery Silva and was found lying dead on the ground. She had been shot in the chest.
Teams of the Military Police and the Municipal Civil Guard (GCM) were called during the night and arrived at the scene, as well as experts from the Civil Police, which opened an investigation into the case.
The suspect is a 54-year-old merchant who fled after the crime and had not been found at the time this report was published. At his home ammunition used with hunting weapons was seized. According to the Police both the victim and the suspect have police records - for assault in the case of the victim and for threatening behaviour and attempted murder in the case of the suspect.
Jaqueline's Facebook profiles are https://www.facebook.com/jaqueline.saviery and https://www.facebook.com/jaqueline.savierysilva.