Rany Merces ("Nynha")
13 May 2021
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Rany passed from COVID-19 early on Thursday 13th May. She was an activist who worked to defend the rights of the trans and prisoner populations in the Belo Horizonte region.
In the early hours of last Thursday (13/05), trans activist Rhany Mercês passed away, yet another victim of Covid-19. Rede Trans Brasil offers condolences and regrets this loss.
Rhany Mercês was a brave trans activist for Human Rights in Belo Horizonte (MG) and in Brazil. She stood out for her work in FONATRANS (Fórum Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais Negras e Negros) and in the defense of the trans population and prisoners in Belo Horizonte and region. In 2017, during the Rede Trans Brasil workshop, Rhany presented her work as a social educator in communities, villages and favelas, in addition to contributing to the event's proposals.
When asked by the Diversity Observatory website about how the new coronavirus pandemic was affecting the LGBTQI+ population, Rhany replied: “It has affected us in a very negative way. On the normal level of society, we are always the last ones to get jobs, housing. We always have the aggravating factor of family ties, which do not always exist or are very unstable, and the pandemic has worsened these situations.”
Source: Observatório Trans
Rany's Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/rhany.merces.