Cecy Caricia Ixpatá
9 Jun 2021
Salamá, Baja Verapaz (Guatemala)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/9-Jun-2021/Cecy Caricia Ixpatá

Cecy was beaten in the market where she worked. She died in hospital.
Cecy Caricia Ixpata was a trans woman originally from Salamá, Baja Verapaz (150 kilometers from Guatemala City).
She was beaten to death on June 9. They found her dying inside a market, where fruits and vegetables are sold and she was a vendor. They transferred her to the Salamá hospital, where she died.
Cecy had been a member of Redtrans since 2012 and they affectionately called her Morenita. Those responsible for the crime have not yet been found.
Honramos la memoria de Andrea Gonzalez y Cecy Ixpatá, exigimos ¡JUSTICIA! Y un alto a los crímenes de odio.
— Sororidad Guatemala (@sororidadgt) June 12, 2021
Las mujeres trans son mujeres y merecen respeto a su vida y dignidad! ??#JusticiaParaAndrea#JusticiaParaCecy pic.twitter.com/v3iXBGH9ao