Danny Benavides
11 Jun 2021
Guayaquil, Guayas (Ecuador)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/11-Jun-2021/Danny Benavides

Danny's beaten body was found locked inside her home on Friday 11th June. According to trans organisations she lived in a state of destitution.
Last Friday, June 11, the lifeless body of a woman was found in Mount SinaĆ, northwest of Guayaquil. The deceased corresponded to the name of Danny Benavides. According to the Ecuadorian Federation of LGBTI + Organizations, Benavides was a trans woman and lived in a state of destitution.
The organization reports that the body showed signs of blows at various points, especially on the skull and that the authorities suspect that Danny could have been tortured prior to her death. Criminalistics staff found her locked in her house with a padlock.
"Friends, relatives and close friends seek clarification of the facts in which Danny lost his life, since from what is known he had no problems with anyone to lose her life in a cruel and criminal act," the federation reported.
For now, the police are trying to clarify the circumstances of her death. However, they do not have Benavides' cell phone, which could provide key evidence.