TDoR 2021 / 2021 / June / 22 / Adrieli


22 Jun 2021
Rome, Lazio (Italy)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/22-Jun-2021/Adrieli


Adrieli's body was found with a head wound in a drainage channel.

The body of a transsexual woman was found along Via Prenestina in Rome. The discovery was made earlier today, Tuesday 22 June and took place in the Quarticciolo area, near viale Palmiro Togliatti.

At about 7.40 am, a report was made of a lifeless body inside a water drainage channel at street number 486, at the intersection with via Conversano, by a passerby who stopped a patrol of the Compagnia di Roma Montesacro passing through the area and requested an ambulance. The local carabinieri intervened at the scene, but unfortunately there was nothing for the woman to do except to note her death, which was confirmed by the 118 health workers who arrived by ambulance. Soldiers of the Investigative Unit of via in Selci also arrived to conduct scientific surveys and collect evidence.

The coroner and the magistrate on duty arrived on viale Palmiro Togliatti today for the first on-site checks. Those who investigated and carried out the first checks on the body found a wound on the forehead, which does not exclude any hypothesis, including murder. Subsequent post-mortem examinations will clarify the causes that led to the death. At the moment little information is known, the investigators are at work and it is not clear how the body got inside the canal, if anyone abandoned it and then left. Every hypothesis is currently being examined and the investigators are not revealing any further information but do not exclude any leads.

The subsequent autopsy concluded that Adrieli was killed.

If it is no longer a mystery how she died, now the mystery is about who killed Adrieli that night. As reported by La Repubblica for days, the Carabinieri have been engaged in investigations: they listen to the woman's friends, other young trans girls and [sex workers] who could provide clues. However, so far there is no suspect.

Adrieli, who was of South American origin, was found on the morning of last June 22, in a canal of the Quarticciolo - a few steps from the Prenestina. The hypothesis of robbery was immediately ruled out, since the young Adrieli had twenty euros with her in her purse, but not her cell phone. Could it be that the phone contains important clues?

However, it is now the turn of the autopsy now to speak: bruises and scratches were found on her body - signs of an assault. Perhaps the young woman was attacked by her own client or by another person. The head wound - identified when the body was found - could also be consistant with a blow from a stick. In short, someone Adrieli killed her now it is up to the military to reconstruct what happened and who is responsible.

Report added: 27 Jun 2021. Last updated: 12 Nov 2021

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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