Isabella Garzón Monsalve
Age 234 Jul 2021
Medellín (Colombia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/5-Jul-2021/Isabella Garzón Monsalver

Isabella was stabbed by an assilant who attacked her and her friends while they were telaxing together in a park after a Pride celebration.
Isabella Garzón Monsalve, a 23-year-old trans woman, was in Astorga Park, in the El Poblado neighborhood, with several friends after the massive mobilization for the rights of the LGBTIQ population that traveled through various streets of the city.
According to the report of the Security and Coexistence Information System, a [person] attacked them with a knife in a park in the Astorga neighborhood of El Poblado at around 8:00 on Sunday night.
Three people were injured, two of them with minor injuries and one with a more serious injury and although she was transferred to a clinic, unfortunately she died. Faced with this fact, the criminal investigation section is carrying out all the investigative tasks and the urgent acts have already been originated. The alleged aggressor is in preventative detention, but has not been arrested because the necessary warrant has not been issued.
Various organizations, including the Popular Trans Network, repudiated the attack and noted that with Isabella's killing, there have been 18 trans women murdered this year in Colombia.
Two months later a 27 year old trans woman was arrested for the crime:
A 27-year-old trans woman was captured in an operation by the authorities in the La Floresta neighborhood (commune 12 of Medellín), as allegedly responsible for the aggravated homicide of another person from the LGBTIQ+ community. The homicide apparently took place during a fight that took place on July 4 in the vicinity of El Poblado park (commune 14), after the end of the LGBTIQ + pride march which took place that day in the city.
According to the authorities' report, the woman accused of the crime used a sharp weapon to commit the homicide and injured two more people, after which she fled the scene.