Danizinha Fontiny ("Dani")
Age 279 Jul 2021
Açailândia, Maranhão (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/9-Jul-2021/Dani Cardoso de Sousa

Dani was shot dead in the early hours of Friday 9th July. Her body was found by a security guard with 3 spent shell casings lying next to it.
AÇAILÂNDIA - A [trans woman], registered as [deadname] Cardoso de Sousa, but known as 'Dani', 27 years old, was shot dead in the early hours of this Friday (9), in Açailândia, in a municipality 567 km from São Luís. The victim's body was found in the morning by a the security guard for the Leolar lot. Three rounds of spent firearm ammunition were found at the scene.
The Civil Police of Maranhão (PC-MA) are awaiting an expert report to determine if Dani was also beaten and investigate the authorship and motive for the crime. Image from security cameras show the [trans woman] being thrown to the ground after a car stopped at the scene where her body was found.
According to the police, [she had] reported to the family that she was being threatened and, according to police chief Saniel Thunder, who is investigating the case, she also had a history of attempted murder.
Dani's Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/danizinha.fontiny.