Victoria Nuñez ("Vicky")
Age 2721 Jul 2021
Paraná, Entre Rios (Argentina)
Died in custody
TDoR list ref: tgeu/21-Jul-2021/Victoria Nuñez (Vicky)

Vicky died after being forcibly restrained in her home by several police officers during a mental health crisis.
"She did not even reach the average trans lifespan." Victoria Nuñez was 27 years old when last Wednesday, July 21, she died at her home in the city of Paraná, Entre Ríos, in circumstances that are still being investigated and where the Paraná police would be involved. Relatives and organizations held a march on Monday to demand justice and a serious investigation to determine what happened that day.
"Vicky was very skinny and six policemen grabbed her. When the mother tried to get closer, they wouldn't let her. They told her that they had already calmed her down, and that she was asleep. But when they handed her over to her she was dead.
Since when did you repress a person who Is she in a psychotic break is a way to calm her? Vicky's body was hurt, there was clearly police abuse, she had six policemen on top of her. They are hiding the names of the policemen and they have not even given the family the results of the autopsy.
Yesterday in Paraná a march was held to demand justice for Vicky, we also asked for Fátima, another young trans [woman] murdered in Formosa, and that Tehuel be found. Similar marches also took place in both Buenos Aires and Córdoba, where the police have also also repressed and detained several comrades.
Once again they violate us when we demonstrate," said a friend of Vicky.
los oficiales aplicaron toda su violencia y la retuvieron en el piso, maltratándola, pateandola hasta su muerte.
— F?s?????a G???a?a?? Ga??ía ?????? (@furiatrava) July 26, 2021
Pero claro, trava, empobrecida no vale nada...
Victoria Núñez, a 27-year-old [trans woman], was brutally murdered by a group of six policemen in Paraná, Entre Ríos, during the morning of Wednesday 21 due to an argument she had with her partner that ended up leading to a nervous breakdown. We saw no repercussions...
The officers used violence to hold her on the floor, mistreating her, kicking her to death.
But of course, an impoverished [trans woman] is worth nothing...