Age 2815 Aug 2021
Rio Novo do Sul, Espírito Santo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/15-Aug-2021/Raqueli
Raqueli's body was found with gunshot wounds on a road. She had last been seen getting into a red car.
A transsexual [woman] identified as Raqueli, 28, was found dead this Sunday morning (15) in Rio Novo do Sul, in the interior of Espírito Santo.
The victim's body was found by a resident who was walking on the road that connects Rio Novo do Sul to Santa Cândida. The woman called the Military Police.
According to the PM, Raqueli was hit by gunshots in the face and chest.
Witnesses said Raqueli was last seen getting into a red car. So far, no one suspected of committing the crime has been arrested.