TDoR 2021 / 2021 / August / 23 / Name Unknown

Name Unknown

Age 31

23 Aug 2021
Uberaba, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Beaten and stoned

TDoR list ref: tgeu/23-Aug-2021/N.N.

Name Unknown

The unidentified victim was killed by her own brother. Police shot and arrested him when he continued the attack despite being ordered to stop.

This Monday (23), a 31-year-old [trans woman] was found dead in Bairro Residencial 2000, Uberaba. According to the Uberaba Family Guidance and Protection Police, the victim was stoned by her own brother, aged 30, and also suffered a head injury after being hit with a hammer.

According to information from the Estado de Minas portal , witnesses witnessed a strong argument between the victim and her brother after drinking alcohol. Inside the victim's house, the suspect took a hammer and struck blows to the head of the sister, who injured, tried to flee the scene. The aggressor also threw tiles on the [trans woman's] head until the Military Police arrived.

The PM found the victim trying to run away with bloodied clothes while her brother was chasing her with a rock. The PM reports that the brother continued to throw stones at the victim even after police ordered him to stop the attacks, The suspect allegedly then tried to hit the police with tiles, and was then shot in the abdomen with a rubber bullet before being arrested.,1299239/travesti-e-apedrejada-e-golpeada-com-martelo-pelo-irmao.shtml

Report added: 27 Aug 2021. Last updated: 12 Nov 2021

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This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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