Keeva Scatter
Age 3415 Oct 2021
Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/15-Oct-2021/Keeva Scatter
Keeva's body was found in a field with a gunshot wound.
Baton Rouge Police Department is investigating a murder of a Black woman of trans experience, that was found dead in the 4100 block of W. Brookstown Dr. near Prescott Rd. in a grassy field.
On October 15th around 10:50pm Baton Rouge Police Department arrived on scene to find 34 year old Keeva Scatter a Black woman of trans experience, dead due to a gunshot wound in the 4100 block of W. Brookstown Dr. near Prescott Rd. in a grassy field.
Presently police have no leads and are investigating this murder.