Tallyta Soares
Age 2328 Nov 2021
Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/28-Nov-2021/Tallyta Soares
Tallyta was stabbed in the chest by a client after he demanded a refund. She died at the scene.
The [trans woman] known as Tallyta Soares, 23 years old, was killed in the early hours of Sunday, November 28th. The crime took place shortly after 1:20 am, on Rua Colombo on the corner of Edu Rocha, in Corumbá.
The victim's body was on the sidewalk and had a perforation in the chest region. She didn't carry documents, but there was a cell phone at her hip. The Fire Department was called in, but she was already dead.
The Military Police and the Civil Police Forensic team attended to the incident. Diário Corumbaense talked to witnesses who at the site, which is known as a [sex work] point, who revealed that the [trans woman] had gone out with a client and then returned. The customer then came back and wanted his money back, Tallyta refused and the individual left. He the returned in a red car with three other people.
According to witnesses, there was an argument, during which the perpetrator hit the victim with a knife, got into the car and fled with the other three individuals.
The delegate on duty at the 1st Civil Police Precinct, Jhonny Garcia Trindade Monteiro, informed this Diary that a knife was found at the scene, but it has not yet been confirmed whether it was the same used in the crime. Investigations follow to find the perpetrator of the murder.
Tallyta's Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/elielson.soares.509.