12 Feb 2022 São Bento do Una, Pernambuco (Brazil) Shot
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/12-Feb-2022/Name Unknown
C. de Azevedo Soares and J. L. da Silva were both shot dead in the same attack in on Saturday 12th February.
J. was 18 and C. was 31. The social names of the victims are not known.
Two [trans women] were murdered on Saturday night (12), in the village of Queimada Grande, in the city of São Bento do Una, in the Agreste region of Pernambuco.
José Lucilio da Silva, 18 years old and Celiano de Azevedo Soares, 31 years old, were shot at by firearms, did not resist and died on the spot, while Carlos Manoel Bernardo, was also hit by the shots. They were rescued, but their health status was not reported.
The Military Police managed to arrest two suspects of committing the crime, they were taken to the police station and there is no information if they are arrested.
The bodies were sent to the Institute of Legal Medicine (IML) in Caruaru.