TDoR 2022 / 2022 / February / 28 / Luana Riço Costa

Luana Riço Costa

28 Feb 2022
Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/28-Feb-2022/Luana Riço Costa

Luana Riço Costa

Luana was a homeless wheelchair user. She was killed after a disagreement with another homeless person, who was detained on Wednesday 2nd March.

The Civil Police, with the support of the Campos Municipal Guard, arrested in the early afternoon of this Wednesday (02), a man suspected of involvement in the death of a [trans woman] identified as Luana Riço Costa, after a disagreement. The body of the [trans woman], who was also a wheelchair user, was found on the morning of last Monday (28) on the banks of Beira Valão, on Avenida José Alves de Azevedo in the Central area of Campos.

According to police information, the body was found without signs of violence, but bloodstains were found on the sidewalk. The body was removed to the Legal Medical Institute (IML), confirming the identification to be Márcio Riço Costa, a transsexual named Luana Riço Costa. The determining cause of death was due to beatings. (read more below)

After investigations and surveys, the police identified a man who was possibly involved in Luana's death. The victim was homeless, as was the accused.

The suspect was found this afternoon and sent to provide clarification at the 134th DP / Center. He was released after testifying.

Report added: 4 Mar 2022. Last updated: 8 Nov 2022

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

Please continue with caution.


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