Fernanda López Somer
Age 3330 Mar 2022
Concordia, Entre Rios (Argentina)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/30-Mar-2022/Fernanda López (Ferchu)
Fernanda's body was found in the street by a police patrol at around 5:30am on Wednesday 30th March.
Concordia woke up this Wednesday with an overwhelming hate crime. This time, it was Fernanda, a 33-year-old trans girl.
Reliable sources told EL SOL daily that Fernanda was found lying on the ground, precisely on the corner of Tala and Urdinarrain streets (Pompeya Sur neighborhood) by police personnel who patrolled the place around 5:30 today.
The uniformed men noticed that there was a body at the scene and that, as they approached, they noticed that it was covered in blood. Although they immediately called an ambulance from 107 and Fernanda was transferred to the Masvernat hospital, it was found that she arrived dead.
Fernanda, also known as "La Ferchu" was identified as [deadname] Lopez because she had not yet made a gender change on her ID.