Crislaine dos Santos
Age 453 Apr 2022
Serra, Espirito Santo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/03-Apr-2022/Crislaine dos Santos

Crislaine was found dead from a gunshot wound to the face by police shortly after telling friends that she was going out to do survival sex work.
The authorities arrested an 18-year-old man for her killing but released him soon after due to lack of evidence.
A woman was found dead with gunshot wounds to her face, on the night of this Sunday (3), on a corner in Serra, in Grande Vitória.
The crime took place on Rua Leôncio Monjardim, in the Guaraciaba neighborhood. The victim was identified as Crislaine dos Santos, 45 years old. She lived alone in the same neighborhood.
Residents said they heard about five shots. A housewife who has a farm on the street where the crime took place said that her grandchildren were playing in the backyard at the time of the incident.
"My granddaughter almost had a stroke, she was screaming, crying. 'Grandma, I've never seen that! I want my mother'. She started screaming. I was terrified. I've never seen that around here", said the housewife.
Residents called the Military Police and reported a description of the man who had shot. When they arrived at the crime scene, in addition to finding the woman's body and the residents involved, the military noticed a man in a red cap and gray shirt who fitted the description given by the residents. When they approached him he became restless, according to police. He was taken to the Serra Regional Police Station for questioning.
According to the Civil Police, the suspect is 18 years old, was heard and released after the police authority decided that there were no evidence to support an arrest.
Chrislaine had lived in the area for about a decade. At one point she had detransitioned because her son was not happy with her transition.
According to the source heard by the report, Crislaine had [detransistioned] and even altered documents to reflect that, but had regretted it.
“She found out that she had a son in Colatina and it seems that she saw this son. He seems to have charged her that he didn't want her as a woman. But she said she wasn't happy. I told her to do what would make her feel happy," said the source, who declined to be identified.
Crislaine had suffered in life. According to her friend, she lived in an orphanage, had no family and had been shot in the head three years earlier. She managed to recover and went back to her routine, but used drugs and drank.
Despite being a drug user, those who knew the young woman do not believe that the crime may be related to addiction. According to her friends, that is because she always paid for the narcotics she bought and didn't get into debt with drug dealers.