Mariana Jaramillo
26 Apr 2022
Santa Elena, Valle del Cauca (Colombia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/22-Apr-2022/Mariana Jaramillo
Mariana's body was found in a rural area of Palmira near Santa Elena on Tuesday 26th April.
She was a member of Movimiento de Mujeres Unidas y Empoderadas and a former candidate for Miss Trans Palmira.
A woman identified as Mariana Jaramillo and who was part of the LGTBIQ+ community; she was assassinated in Palmyra. According to the authorities, the young woman's body was found in a rural area of Palmira, very close to the corregimiento of Santa Elena.
The victim was a former candidate for Miss Trans Palmira and was a member of Movimiento de Mujeres Unidas y Empoderadas [the Movement of United, Diverse and Empowered Women].
After the murder, various LGTBIQ groups not only from Palmira, but from all over Valle del Cauca; They are asking the authorities to thoroughly investigate this case .
¡En la semana 17 del año han asesinado 9 mujeres tran en Colombia!
— Red Comunitaria Trans (@redcomunitariat) April 26, 2022
Mariana Jaramillo, integrante de la organización Mude, mujer Trans trabajadora sexual fue encontrada sin vida en la vereda del Pomo. ¿Cuantas vidas más tenemos que poner las personas trans?#NosSiguenMatando
Mariana Jaramillo, a member of organización Mude [Movimiento de Mujeres Unidas y Empoderadas] and a trans woman who works as a sex worker, was found dead in the village of Pomo. How many more lives do we trans people have to lay down?