Michelle S Tarrio
10 May 2022
New York (USA)
Cosmetic filler complications

Michelle died during surgery to remove silicon from her body.
Today I had the sad news of my friend from New York MICHELLE Michelle S Tarrio came to pass away Friday, in a surgery to remove and reconstruction of her body, a battle that for years had been facing problems with silicone, I myself witnessed this and martyrdom when I visited her and passed some days in your company at your home in New York, interrupted suffering that no human being deserves to go through.
The battle has settled down! America today is sadder, the LGBT world New Yorker and our BRAZILIAN DAY will not be the same! Rest in Peace my Portuguese friend
MAY GOD HAVE YOU IN A GOOD PLACE Eternal Memories - thanks for everything.
Michelle's Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/michelle.tarrio.