TDoR 2022 / 2022 / June / 29 / Kitty Monroe

Kitty Monroe

29 Jun 2022
Memphis, Tennessee (USA)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/29-Jun-2022/Kitty Monroe

Kitty Monroe
Kitty Monroe [photo:]

Kitty was shot multiple times in her home after a domestic dispute. A suspect has been arrested.

Her name was Kitty Monroe.

On Wednesday, June 29, 2022, she died from multiple gunshot injuries at her home in the 1600 block of Oaken Bucket Drive in the Cordova section of Memphis.

The man who murdered her shot her after a domestic dispute. He has been arrested and charged with voluntary manslaughter. Friends told reporters that Kitty knew this man and had been in a relationship with him at some point.

Kitty’s social media shows that she adored her sweet baby Yorkies, her family, and friends. She’s described by neighbors as having been very nice, friendly, often chatting as she walked her dogs.

As reported by ABC24, the police report said a witness told police they received a text from the victim, saying a man was at her apartment and wouldn’t leave.

The affidavit said the suspect told investigators he and the victim had been in a bedroom fighting about him leaving. The report said he said the victim pulled a gun and “ordered him to leave.”

According to the report, he said he walked to the top of the stairs and then grabbed for the gun and they struggled. He said they both fell down the stairs and when they landed, the suspect told police he pulled out his own gun and shot the victim six to seven times. The affidavit said he left and called police from another location.

He is charged with voluntary manslaughter. Bond was set at $10,000.

Report added: 2 Jul 2022. Last updated: 8 Nov 2022

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