C. A. Castillo Morales
Age 354 Jul 2022
Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)
Run over
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/04-Jul-2022/Name Unknown
C. was killed in a hit and run incident.
Cuernavaca, MORELOS.- The injuries she suffered when he was hit by a hit-and-run car took the life of a man dressed as a woman in the Amatitlán neighborhood.
The deceased person was called [deadname] Castillo, Morales, 35 years old, a resident of the aforementioned neighborhood. At 07:20 yesterday, a road policeman saw a transsexual woman lying on the corner of avenida Plan de Ayala and calle Carnero, for which he requested the support of paramedics who confirmed that the person had died.
Some witnesses reported that a speeding vehicle hit [deadname] when she was crossing the avenue and that the person responsible then fled towards Jiutepec, although it is also presumed that the run over was intentional.
The deceased's sister identified the body, in addition to Semefo experts conducting an inspection in the area and locating business security cameras, from which the characteristics of the responsible vehicle could be determined.