Jéssica Martínez
3 Sep 2022
Ambato, Tungurahua (Ecuador)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/03-Sep-2022/Jéssica Martinez
Jéssica was shot while working on the night of Saturday 3rd September. She was the vice president of Asociación Trans Nueva Esperanza.
Jéssica Martínez is another of the victims of micro -trafficking in Tungurahua.
She was the vice president of Asociación Trans Nueva Esperanza and her death occurred as a result of her not allowing [drug traffickers] to take over the streets where she and 15 other young trans women offered their sexual services.
Her body was found in downtown Ambateño. He was shot 11 times, according to the Dinased . The crime occurred on the night of September 3. She was alone on her 'camel'. Up until noon yesterday her body was still in the Forensic Center. Three of her friends later removed her body.
Tania Benalcázar, leader of the association, pointed out that this 2022 work on the streets has become very dangerous. Even Jéssica suffered two attacks before she was murdered. The first was three months ago and the other one a month ago.
"She refused to let drugs be sold on the street where we do sex work and defending ourselves cost her her life," Tania said.
Jéssica was an activist who fought for trans people . She was a native of Esmeraldas and had lived in Ambato for 25 years.