Tante Butet
Age 503 Oct 2022
Bekasi, Jawab Barat (Indonesia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/03-Oct-2022/Tante Butet

Tante was murdered in her salon by an employee. After she died, the perpetrator locked the premises.
The victim's body was found by local residents.
BEKASI - The motive for the murder of a [trans woman]- with the initials NT in a beauty salon on Jalan Raya Sukatani, Sukamantri Village, Sukaraya Village, Karanghapi District, Bekasi Regency, turned out to be heartache.
The perpetrator was annoyed with the victim who was his employer. Bekasi Metro Police Chief Commissioner Gidion Arif Setyawan said that the perpetrator BD felt annoyed and hurt by the victim (NT), because he was verbally abused and insulted.
Apart from that, the victim promised a salary of IDR 500 per month and IDR 50 thousand per day.
"Ge was annoyed and immediately did it by hitting the victim's neck and mouth 3 times with a mortar while the victim was sleeping," said Commissioner Gidion Arif Setyawan, Saturday (8/10/2022). After carrying out the crime, the perpetrator took the victim's cellphone and cash and fled to North Sumatra.