Age 2722 Nov 2022
San Martin, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/22-Nov-2022/Brenda
Brenda died in hospital 6 weeks after being admitted with 70% burns following an attack in her home on 17th October. A suspect is in custody for the attack.
On Monday, November 22, Brenda, a 27-year-old migrant [trans woman] died in intensive care at Eva Perón Hospital. She had been admitted 6 weeks earlier with 70% burns.
The attack occurred at dawn on Monday, October 17, in a pension located in the town of General San Martín. According to testimonies, Brenda was next to a suspect who is now charged with "attempted murder." There was a fire at the scene and it spread to the mattress where she was resting, burning 70% of her body.
The investigative case is being carried out by the prosecutor Carlos Insaurralde of the Fiscal Instruction Unit No. 3 of San Martín. The arrest of Carlos Espíndola was carried out within this framework.
You gave it your all Bren. You fought it like no other, not now. FOREVER.
In a society that expelled you and mistreated you. And where the macho violence and the neglect of the State violent you until you end your life.
This custom of killing us will end, we will carry you as a flag and we will fight until justice is done.
For you and for all those who kill us.
We were there and we will always be there, denouncing the violence we suffer and building the weaves we need to take care of ourselves.