16 Jan 2023 Pontes e Lacerda, Mato Grosso (Brazil) Shot
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/16-Jan-2023/Stheffany Ashley da Silva ("Eyshila") Neves Stheffany Ashley da Silva Neves ("Eyshila") [photo: www.midianews.com.br]
Stheffany was killed in a residence and her body dumped in the Guaporé River by two men. Both were subsequently arrested.
Judge Djéssica Giseli Küntzer received a complaint against Everaldo Chapina for murdering the [trans woman] Stheffany Ashley da Silva Neves, 27 years old, in Pontes e Lacerda (444 km from Cuiabá). She was murdered with a shot to the head and had her body dumped in the Guaporé River.
The complaint was filed by the Public Ministry of Mato Grosso (MPE) for the crimes of aggravated homicide, concealment of a corpse and illegal possession of a firearm.
The case took place on January 16. On the date of the incident, Stheffany and Everaldo met at a convenience store, where they drank alcohol and decided to go to the accused's house. In the property, they drank more drinks and had a disagreement. According to the accusation, Everaldo took a firearm and shot her in the head. The shot was fired while her back was to the shooter.
Everaldo wrapped Stheffany's body in a tarp, put it in the Fiat Palio car and went to the banks of the Guaporé River. The accused called his friend Sérgio Quirino to go to the location to help dispose of the body.
After throwing Stheffany's body into the water, both tried to escape in a car, but the vehicle ended up getting stuck in the mud and for this reason they ended up being arrested by the Civil Police.
Sergio stated that he helped his colleague in the crime by hiding the corpse, but he was offered an agreement of non-criminal prosecution without prejudice to later amending the complaint or even proposing a new accusatory complaint, if the accused does not accept the stipulated conditions or does not comply with the signed agreement.