Priscila Aguado Hutaco
Age 26-3011 Feb 2023
Chorrillos/San Juan de Miraflores, Lima (Peru)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/12-Feb-2023/Priscila Aguado Hutaco

Priscilla was killed by a mafia gang extorting money from local sex workers. Several days earlier Ruby Ferrer had been killed in similar circumstances.
Priscila Aguado and Rubí Ferrer, trans women, died at the hands of the prostitution and quota collection mafia.
Ruby, a native of Tarapoto, was kidnapped and taken from Cercado de Lima to Avenida Santo Domingo, Asociación Las Dalias, in the district of Carabayllo. “Just so you know, did you hear? You're leaving… from that… plaza”, the murderer is heard saying, who, with one hand records and with the other he shot him 15 times at point-blank range. 9 projectiles hit the victim's body.
On February 11, Priscila Aguado, a trans woman of approximately 30 years, was riddled with 4 shots. The woman died between the limits of Chorrillos and San Juan de Miraflores in Lima. It is presumed that she tried to ask for help during the early morning. Although the media are treating the issue as a murder due to transphobia or gender discrimination, there are no concrete facts to indicate that the homicide was carried out for reasons of hatred of her [gender identity] and orientation. Likewise, preliminary police investigations indicate that the murders are related to the issue of prostitution and quota trafficking.
This does not mean that these are not two murders, which is why the LGBTIQ+ community held protests at the doors of the Alfonso Ugarte police station, demanding justice for the deceased. "The deaths of Rubi Ferrer and Priscila Aguado cannot go unpunished, which is why we are demanding that the police attend to the complaint that was referred to Carabayllo and return to Lima, the place where they worked," said the spokesperson for the LGTBI collective.
Let us remember also that during the early hours of February 10, the sex worker Gladys Acuña Espinoza (58), was riddled with bullets by two alleged hit men who shot her up to six times, killing her on the spot. The event occurred in the district of Puente Piedra.