Name Unknown
Age 19 to 2516 Feb 2023
Lambayeque (Peru)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/16-Feb-2023/Name Unknown
The body of the victim was found on a farm with defensive wounds. her identity is not known.
Lambayeque – Peru.- This Thursday, February 16, the residents of the San Ignacio farm in the José Leonardo Ortiz district found the lifeless body of a trans woman.
It was a neighbor who was out grazing at approximately 2:30 pm, who found the body, and then notified the local police who arrived in the area, "he reported that there was a person, and he thought that she was still alive". He grabbed her and rubbed her belly but no, she was already dead,” a local neighbor told local media.
Law enforcement officers from the Atusparia Police Station arrived at the scene and confirmed the incident. Upon finding the body without vital signs, it was a person of approximately 20 years old, with dark skin, who was wearing black pants and a lead polo shirt.
The Police detailed that the victim had scratches on her chin and dirt on his hands, as signs of having tried to defend herself, "her hair was all over as if he had been pulled," declared a neighbor. In addition, her body had abrasions on her feet, legs, arms and face. Everything seems to indicate that it was a new crime.