Age 3216 Mar 2023
Tapin, South Kalimantan (Indonesia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/16-Mar-2023/Alya

Alya was beaten and killed by her boyfriend and another person after she accused him of infidelity. Both were arrested.
Tapin -A [trans woman] named Alya (32) in Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan (Kalsel) was found dead rotting in a resident's garden. The victim's boyfriend, AM (17) and their lover, AP (21), were arrested by the police as perpetrators of the murder.
"After carrying out an investigation, we have arrested the two perpetrators without resistance," explained Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Tapin Police AKP Haris Wicaksono to detikcom, Tuesday (28/3/2023).
The two perpetrators were arrested at Warung Jablay in the Tapin Tengah District area, Tapin on Thursday night (23/3) or a week after the murder occurred. From the results of the examination, it was discovered that the two of them were involved in the attack on Alya, whose body was found rotting in a resident's garden.
"When the perpetrator was caught cheating on the victim, the victim went to the perpetrator where an argument broke out. The perpetrator contacted AP and the two of them beat the victim until she died," he explained.
When the beating occurred, AP pulled the victim behind SDN 1 Antasari Hilir. Meanwhile, AM was holding the victim's hand. "At that time, the perpetrator hit the victim using a piece of bamboo towards the victim's back twice, then hit the victim twice again towards the victim's head until the victim became unconscious," said Haris.
After Alya became unconscious, AP and AM lifted and moved Alya's body to the back of a resident's house and covered the victim's body using dry leaves.
The case was revealed after residents found Alya's body rotting in the garden behind her house in Antasari Village, Tapin Utara District, Tapin on Tuesday (21/3) at 18.00 WITA. At that time, a resident smelled a foul smell and when he checked he found a motorbike and a human body.