Bruna Brasil
Age 3415 Apr 2023
Porto Franco, Maranhão (Brazil)
Beaten and stabbed
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/15-Apr-2023/Bruna Brasil

Bruna's body was found with stab wounds in undergrowth.
PORTO FRANCO - This Saturday morning (15) a [trans woman], identified as Bruna Brasil, was found dead with signs of violence. The victim's body was found in the Jardim Europa neighborhood in the city of Porto Franco in the interior of the state.
Bruna Brasil's body was found in a thicket by residents of the neighborhood, who called the Maranhão Military Police (PMMA). The [trans woman], who was born in the State of Pará, had injuries on her body caused by sharp objects.
Her body was taken to the Instituto Médico Legal (IML) in Imperatriz, inland Maranhão, where it will undergo examinations.
A suspect was arrested on 15th July 2023.