Age 215 May 2023
Recife, Pernambuco (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/05-May-2023/Samantha
Samantha was shot in her home.
The execution of Samantha, 21 years old, in the house where she lived in the Boa Vista neighborhood in the center of Recife has had repercussions on social media. She was shot dead inside a building in Boa Vista on Friday, May 5th and her body was sent to the Institute of Legal Medicine. Other information was not provided by the Civil Police, saying only that it has started to investigate the homicide.
In a post, a person who knew her commented "My God Samantha, anyone who knows her knows a dreamy girl full of dreams to come true. So much evil in this world, sir, a good girl wouldn't mess with anyone without evil, she will be greatly missed, may the Lord comfort her Her mother's heart, Lord, justice will be done, God does not sleep, he sees everything, God's justice is delayed but does not fail."