Maryori Sousa
9 May 2023
Ciudad de Guatemala (Guatemala)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/08-May-2023/Maryori Sousa

Maryori was murdered in Zone 1 of Guatemala City on the night of 8th-9th May.
In a country without adequate mechanisms to address hate crimes or crimes motivated by prejudice, Teffy Balizari and Brandon Giancarlo Sagastume were murdered on the night of May 8 in Zacapa. That same night, Maryori Sousa was also attacked in the capital city. The three murders are added to another 8 of LGBTIQ+ people this year, according to data from the National LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Observatory.
Teffy Balizari was a trans woman who lived in the department of Zacapa, in eastern Guatemala. On Sunday, May 6, she was last seen in the municipal seat, along with Brandon Sagastume MartÃnez, a 25-year-old gay man. Both were important people to his family and her community, who reported their disappearances immediately.
However, on the night of March 8, Teffy and Brandon were found on the road leading to the village of San Pablo, in the department of Zacapa. Their bodies showed signs of torture, according to the Lambda Association. That same night, Maryori Sousa, a trans woman of Honduran nationality, was murdered in zone 1 of Guatemala City.