Age 1814 Jun 2023
Quevedo, Los Rios (Ecuador)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/14-Jun-2023/Lilia / Lila

Lilia was shot multiple times at her home.
The Silueta X association denounced this Wednesday, June 14, 2023, the murder of a young trans woman in Quevedo, Los Ríos province.
In a statement, the Association said the young trans woman known as Lila was "virtually hunted down by her killers." In the same information, the Association said that Lila was intercepted at her home in the February 20 cooperative, near the Venus del Río parish fire department, Quevedo, where she received 15 bullet wounds. Later, she was transferred to the IESS hospital where her death was confirmed.
Silueta X calls on the Prosecutor's Office, the Police commander, the Ministry of Women and Human Rights, among other institutions, to carry out the necessary coordination to find the culprit or culprits. So far, the Runa Sipiy report of the Silueta X Association records this case as the fourteenth of this 2023 in what corresponds to transfemicides, LGBT+ murders, violent deaths that are not clarified or suspected of criminality.