Alexa Andreevna Sokova
Age 348 Sep 2023
Palm Bay, Florida (USA)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2023/05-Sep-2023/Alexa Andreevna Sokova
Alexa's body was found in an undeveloped area of Palm Bay known as "The Compound".
An unidentified trans-woman’s body was found in an area of Palm Bay known as ‘The Compound.’ The undeveloped area has been a hot spot for homicides in Palm Bay. It is also where citizens frequent for off-road recreational activities.
An anonymous source with knowledge of the incident states the woman had been reported missing for weeks. Her car was pulled over in another state and the occupants reportedly confessed to the murder and the location of the body.
Editor's Note: One report suggests that Alexa may have detransitioned before they were killed. We have not been able to confirm this. To quote,
The victim used she/her pronouns on social media, though a friend states she had recently detransitioned. We are using she/her pronouns to refer to her at this time based on her own social media-based pronouns, but there is some chance he/him were the victim’s most recent pronouns